
Democracy Gauge officially kicks off on SABC platforms

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In commemorating 25 years of democracy, SABC News has embarked on a campaign turning our lenses and mics over to South Africans.

Through Democracy Gauge, we get a sense of how ordinary South Africans rate 25 years of democracy.

The first episode was aired Monday afternoon – a project exclusively through the voice and views of South Africans on their country.

The project, which commemorates 25 years of South Africa’s democracy, started on Monday and will run until the end of the year.

Democracy Gauge is about the electorate, their lived experiences, and their views on the country’s successes, failures and challenges.

For the whole year, about 210 South Africans will be profiled across the length and breadth of the country. They will share their lives and experiences of 25 years of democracy.

Democracy Gauge places the power with the citizen and supports the notion that while elections are the centerpiece of democracy, the decision on who governs lies with the electorate.

It provides an unscripted and unrestrained opportunity to the electorate to give their personal accounts without the involvement of politicians making their promises or analysts predicting outcomes on their behalf.

Profiles of the interviewees as well as the video and audio clips will also be available on an online map on sabcnews.com.

This is the first election feature to be rolled out on the SABC News digital platforms, to become part of a comprehensive election 2019 online offering, in the run-up to the elections.

