
DA will use its ministries to serve and uplift: Steenhuisen

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Democratic Alliance (DA) leader, John Steenhuisen says the party will use its ministries to serve uplift and deliver dignity to all South Africans.

Steenhuisen, who has been appointed as the Minister of Agriculture, says service delivery will be prioritized.

The DA was allocated six ministries including Basic Education, Public Works and Infrastructure amongst others and six deputy minister positions.

The largest coalition partner also says that any suspicious tenders issued in departments now under DA control will be swiftly investigated.

Members of cabinet are expected to take their oath of office tomorrow.

Steenhuisen explains, “On the governance front, the DA will build on our experience in improving service delivery to reform and enhance the vital frontline portfolio of Home Affairs. We will use our representation as Minister of Basic Education [Siviwe Gwarube], as well as our Deputy Minister of Higher Education [Mimmy Gondwe], to focus like a laser beam on improving the quality of education our children and students receive.”

“And our representation in the Communication portfolio, alongside the deputy positions in Water and Sanitation as well as Energy and Electricity, enables the DA to contribute to the improvement of these critical services,” adds Steenhuisen.
