
DA joins call for Mabuyane’s resignation

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The Democratic Alliance in the Eastern Cape has joined other opposition parties in their call for the resignation of provincial premier Oscar Mabuyane after reports Mabuyane tried to fake his way into a PhD through the University of Fort Hare.

The DA says the premier’s attempt to use the courts to stall the Special Investigating Unit probe into the allegations is cause for concern.

The leader of the DA in provincial legislature Nqaba Bhanga says Mabuyane should step down with immediate effect.

“It’s time for Premier Mabuyane now to resign from the office. His desperate action to try and stop the investigation of the SIU shows his desperate move to try and block this kind of an investigation. Therefore as the DA, we have taken a decision to say he needs to resign from the office. He has compromised the biggest office of the Eastern Cape. He has compromised the institution of the university of fort hare and the integrity of the qualifications of the republic of South Africa.”

Mabuyane taking President, SIU and University of Fort Hare to court:

The Congress of the People (COPE) also said President Cyril Ramaphosa must remove Oscar Mabuyane as premier of the Eastern Cape as a matter of urgency.

COPE’s spokesperson, Dennis Bloem said it is clear that Mabuyane is opposed to anyone who is fighting corruption and maladministration.

The call comes after Mabuyane filed papers with the High Court seeking to interdict the SIU probe into maladministration at the University of Fort Hare in which he is implicated in alleged post- graduate qualification fraud.

COPE’s spokesperson, Dennis Bloem has asked if Mabuyane is hiding anything.
“Oscar Mabuyane must know that whether he is the premier of the Eastern Cape or not, he is not above the law. Nobody is above the law, not even the president of the country, Cyril Ramaphosa. Oscar Mabuyane must be fired, he is an insult to that office.”

Mabuyane accuses Fort Hare of smear campaign:
