
Ramaphosa denies seeking help from ZANU-PF for election campaign

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African National Congress (ANC)  president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has rubbished reports that his party has asked Zimbabwe’s governing ZANU-PF to assist in its election campaign and to be an observer of this month’s poll.

Several opposition parties have raised concerns about the reports, with the African Transformation Movement (ATM) writing to the Electoral Commission to complain.

Ramaphosa was speaking while on a campaign trail in Atteridgeville, outside Pretoria.

“We are aligned with various parties from an ideological point of view and from a policy point of view, and therefore, when elections happen in our country, there is nothing wrong with saying, ‘Hey, fellow sister organisation, we are holding elections in SA. Come and see how we conduct our elections’. When we hold conferences they also come from all over the world, and we invite them, and similarly, we also invite other parties to come and observe. Now, an observer mission is not an interfering mission. They don’t get involved; they only come and observe.”

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