
Cross-examination of Dr Manamela set to continue at Life Esidimeni inquest

Life Esidimeni
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The High Court in Pretoria will on Monday morning continue to cross-examine the former head of Gauteng’s Mental Health Services Dr Mmakgabo Manamela.

Manamela earlier testified that her former boss, Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu ordered the closure of Life Esidimeni facilities.

Manamela says mentally ill patients were relocated despite growing objections from their families. The inquest is probing the June 2016 Life Esidimeni mass relocation of about 3 000 patients. The Gauteng Health Department ended the Life Esidimeni project in 2016 citing lack of funds.

The inquest will continue until the 2nd of December and will then be postponed to a later date next year.

Life Esidimeni inquest | Most patients were relocated to Pretoria says Dr Manamela:

Families unhappy with loved ones being moved

Meanwhile, in September last year, the man tasked with leading the relocation of patients, Levy Mosenogi, told the inquest how families were unhappy about the move of their loved ones.

Mosenogi says engagements between Mahlangu and families of Life Esidimeni healthcare users were at times characterised by anger and dissolution.

SABC News reporter Chriselda Lewis provides more details in the report below:
