
CR17 campaign saga a sign of ANC patronage: Maimane

Mmusi Maimane.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane says the saga around the CR17 campaign donations should not be seen as a single event but rather a system of patronage that the African National Congress (ANC) has put in place.

Posting on social media Maimane says his party will continue to probe the issue of the donations to Cyril Ramaphosa’s 2017 ANC presidential campaign when he appears in Parliament to answer questions on Thursday.

READ | Maimane calls for judicial inquiry into Bosasa and ANC dealings


Maimane sparked the controversy around the donations in November 2018 in the National Assembly when he asked the President about a R500 000 BOSASA payment.

“We must destroy the system of patronage that is within the ANC, because after them another faction will come on board; it will take over the government; it will pay a conference a much higher fee. And then after that deploy more cadres –  buy Judges, buy journalists and it will be only a matter of time before our democracy is a shadow of what it ought to be, that democracy is only but a figment,” says Maimane.
