
Contralesa concerned about exclusion from GNU talks

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) has raised concern that its members have been left out of political parties’ negotiations ahead of the formation of the African National Congress (ANC)-proposed government of national unity (GNU).

Contralesa president Chief Lameck Mokoena says not a single political party has approached them to seek their input. He has warned that if traditional leaders are not included in the negotiations, they will not be part of the 2026 local government elections.

“Contralesa notes the outcome of this past elections and also realises that there was no outright winner by all political organisations. Contralesa is aware that there are discussions to form a government. Contralesa is concerned however that whatever the outcome that would come out of this discussion will not have the views of traditional leaders, we are worried that traditional leaders are not even consulted,” he says.

He added: “It will be a big mistake if this discussions will be concluded without having the views of traditional leaders. We want to advise these parties that by the way remember 2026 elections are just around the corner.”

The first sitting of the National Assembly is expected to take place on Friday where the president and speaker will be elected.

