
Confusion grows over ANC N West leadership

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Confusion is growing over the African National Congress (ANC) leadership in the North West.

While the disbanded Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) chaired by Supra Mahumapelo has been reinstated the interim structure, the Provincial Task Team (PTT) still maintains its legitimacy and is running the elections programme.

It is still unclear as to who will be leading the ANC 2019 National election campaign in the North West. This as Supra Mahumapelo led PEC and the ANC national leadership’s appointed PTT are both claiming legitimacy.

The court has twice ruled in favour of Supra Mahumapelo, saying his PEC had been illegally disbanded. Some of ANC members and supporters had this to say about the state of affairs within the party.

At the party’s provincial offices in Mahikeng the focus in on the upcoming elections. Here are some of the ANC staff expressing their readiness.

“Our election machinery is very intact. We are working simultaneously to ensure that nothing changes our work and nothing defocuses us,” says one ANC member.

“The ANC machinery is highly charged and highly oiled in the province of the North West. The issues that are happening the courts have had no effects on the work of the elections that is happening,” says another ANC staff member.

Political Analyst from the North West University, Professor Andre Duvenhage, says the party’s national leadership will have to take decisive decisions to bring stability in the province ahead of the 8th May elections.

“In three months’ time we are into the elections, probably the most difficult elections for the ANC since 1994. So there is not a lot of time to build, it is a time for strategic decisions. The other way for the national executive committee and the ANC will be to take decisive decisions. I think at the moment is all about unity but I cannot exclude the possibility that they will be decisions coming top down that may be hash for certain groupings.”

While Luthuli House has called both opposing groups, the big question remains who will occupy Mpekwa House in the capital Mahikeng. Will it be the Supra Mahumapelo led PEC, or the envisaged new Provincial Task comprising of two factions?

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