
ConCourt judgment against IEC a huge blow to ANC: Analysts

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some political analysts view Friday’s Constitutional Court judgment against the IEC as a huge blow to the governing ANC which supported the postponement of the local government elections.

On Friday, the court dismissed the Electoral Commission’s application to postpone the local government elections due to take place on October 27 to February next year. The ANC supported a postponement and has struggled to register some councillors expected to contest the municipal elections.

Former IEC deputy chairperson and current executive chairperson of the Institute of Election Management Services Terry Tselane explains what the registration problem means for the ANC.

“Basically what it means is that they have lost out. They will not be part of the elections in those municipalities in which they failed to submit the candidates’ lists. There is no way that the elections will take place outside the constitutionally stipulated period. So, get ready to go to voting stations by the first of November.”

Lebohang Pheko unpacks what the ruling means:

Tselane earlier described as baffling the IEC’s decision to approach the Constitutional Court instead of Parliament in its quest to have the local government election postponed to next year.

The IEC, a number of political parties and civil society organisations made presentations to the apex court for and against the postponement of the October 27 poll to February next year.
