
ANC says it’s not surprised by DA’s stunt to challenge NHI Bill

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) president Cyril Ramaphosa says it comes as no surprise that the Democratic Alliance (DA) will be challenging the National Health Insurance legislation at the Constitutional Court.

Speaking in Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal, where he was campaigning for the ANC in the province, Ramaphosa says it’s part of the country’s democracy for laws to be challenged.

“This will not be the first time that any law that has been passed by our legislature is taken to another forum particularly the Constitutional Court for testing or verification or whatever. So we are least concerned about that. It has happened with many laws so for us this is not extraordinary it is part of the Democratic process in our country.

President Cyril Ramaphosa signs the NHI Bill into law:


The ANC president supporters at the mini-rally, Ramaphosa also spoke about the strides made by the ANC since the dawn of democracy. He also promised supporters that the party would create enough jobs for all South Africans.

“We will create job opportunities for everyone not just for the youth but also for those who are over 35. Also, our manifesto is focusing on creating factories in various industries like renewable energy. Our aim is to attract investors so we can create jobs.”


Meanwhile, a small group of community healthcare workers have protested during an address by Ramaphosa at Ashdown in Pietermaritzburg.

The protesters held up placards calling on Ramaphosa to meet with them and said they couldn’t survive on what they were paid.

Community healthcare worker says, “Since 2006 they don’t hire us. We were hoping that we would be able to speak to the president to address our concerns as community healthcare workers. We’re also ANC supporters. We were sent here by our colleagues to try and get the president’s attention. I am getting 4000 rand, an old lady like me. Others took pension, no money nothing. I am earning R4000 and I am starving. Everything is up. I can’t go and do groceries for myself.”
