
Chinese government refutes claims of mistreating African nationals in China

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Chinese government has in a statement rejected differential treatment towards Africans nationals residing in China.

This comes after Africans working and studying in China lamented the abuse they had suffered at the hands of Chinese citizens and the government during the COVID-19 outbreak.

There’s been a stream of reports alleging that African nationals in the city of Guangzhou have been forcefully evicted and placed in arbitrary quarantine.  It is believed they were forcibly evicted from their homes and now are being turned away by hotels.

In the video, African nationals in China cry out for help

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said they have zero tolerance for discrimination:

SA urges China to investigate claims of Africans being mistreated in their country

South Africa has urged China to investigate reports that African nationals in the country have been subject to forced coronavirus testing, forced quarantine measures and other forms of ill treatment.

The International Relations Department says in a statement that as the chair of the African Union, South Africa is deeply concerned about the reports.

The department says such actions would be inconsistent with the good relations between African nations and China.

South Africa has welcomed the AU Commission Chairperson’s decision to summon the Chinese Ambassador in Addis Ababa to provide an explanation regarding the reports.

AU meets Chinese Ambassador over ‘African evictions’ reports

AU Commission Chair, Moussa Faki Mahamat, met with the Chinese Ambassador to the AU, Liu Yaki, to express concern about allegations that Africans are being mistreated in China during the coronavirus pandemic.

