
Candidate list submissions went smoothly: IEC

Sy Mamabolo on Morning Live
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Eligible voters will soon know which parties are contesting the May elections.

Wednesday was D-day for registered political parties as they had to make their final submissions to the Independent Electoral Commission(IEC).

They had to send their candidate lists and pay a deposit of R200 000 if standing for the national ballot and R45 000 for each provincial ballot.

IEC Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo, says he can estimate that about 39 parties are contesting the National ballot while about 31 are contesting the provincial ballot.

Speaking on Morning Live on Thursday, he said the submissions process went very well with all contesting parties submitting on time.

He says about 70% of the parties used the online candidate submission system while the rest used manual submissions coming in mostly on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The IEC is now in the process of capturing all the data and will give notice of non-compliance to affected parties by Friday.

Parties will then have an opportunity to correct their lists.

Mamabolo says these lists will be made public next week where people will have an opportunity to make objections.

The final list of candidates will be published on 29 March.

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