
Buthulezi calls for free political activity

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Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi has called on his party supporters to uphold free political activity ahead of Wednesday’s by-elections, and May the seventh general elections.

Buthelezi has been speaking at a rally at Rotary Stadium near the KwaMashu Hostel, north of Durban.

Recently there were incidents of political intolerance in the area including the murder of two women from the National Freedom Party and IFP.

The veteran leader also says the three by elections that will be held in the province on Wednesday will put the party’s support in the areas to the test.

Buthelezi says: “I think it is very crucial because in fact personal, I regard it as a try-run for the general elections, because if we don’t do well here psychologically and otherwise people will conclude that we may not do well in the general elections.”

Thirty-three political parties signed the Electoral Code of Conduct to ensure a free and fair election on May 7. The Code of Conduct commits them to tolerance during election campaigns

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