
Bushiri, co-accused granted bail

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Pretoria Magistrate’s Court has granted Enlightened Christian Gathering Church leader Pastor Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary R200 000 bail each. Co-accused Landiwe Ntlokwana was given R100 000 bail and Zethu Mudolo R20 000.

The couple, along with three co-accused are expected back in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on Friday when another accused Willah Mudolo is expected to apply for bail.

Magistrate Thandi Thelede outlined the Bushiri’s bail conditions including reporting to their nearest police station every Monday and Friday and not leaving South Africa.

She said should the Bushiris fail to adhere to their bail conditions their property will belong to the state.

Below is the court proceeding:

The accused were arrested two weeks ago and are facing charges of fraud, money laundering and contravention of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act to the value of R102 million.

In the video below, SABC reporter Patricia Visagie is outside the court where supporters are jubilant:


Last month, Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi confirmed the Bushiris stay in South Africa was illegal.

Motsoaledi says they have uncovered evidence that the Bushiris entered South Africa and conducted business while on a visitors’ visa, using fraudulent residency papers.

“Shepherd Bushiri and the wife entered South Africa through the Beitbridge Border Post on the 6th of September 2009 and they were issued visitors visas. Visitors visas have got a timeframe but while on this visitors visa Shepherd Bushiri started registering certain companies. He engaged in certain businesses in 2014, 2015 and 2016 which, of course, are not allowed. Mary Bushiri entered SA through OR Tambo International using a passport. She then produced a fraudulent permanent residence permit.”
