
‘Best way to celebrate Africa Month is to overcome anti-sentiments’

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some political parties say the best way to celebrate and honour Africa Month, is for countries to work together to overcome anti-African sentiments.

This month marks 59 years since the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

The OAU, now called the African Union, was formed in 1963.  South Africa will join other African countries in the celebrations of Africa Day on May 25th.

The day was intended to celebrate the independence of African countries from the yoke of apartheid and colonialism. On this month, African countries come together to celebrate the milestone achieved when the OAU was established more than half a century ago.

Throughout the month, countries celebrate the founding of the first union of African countries in 1963. But while acknowledging this milestone, questions have been raised about the unity of African countries.

In South Africa, the commemoration comes on the backdrop of recent attacks on foreign nationals. As the debate continues to rage locally, some have accused foreign nationals of being responsible for some criminal activities and taking local jobs.

Earlier this year, Operation Dudula hit various streets of Johannesburg.

Operation Dudula was formed to address frustrations by some South Africans blaming foreign nationals of alleged brazen criminality around the country.

But as these attacks keep rising since 2008, many ask on where policy makers and respective political parties are in this debacle. The DA Shadow Minister of International Relations Darren Bergman says South Africa’s boarders should be protected as this will also assist in dealing with divisive people.

May marks 59 years since the formation of the OAU:

The question still remains on how far is the progress of the African Union in uniting the continent. However, COPE spokesperson Dennis Bloem says blame is with government and not South Africans, as it has failed to address the challenges at the borders of the country.

Meanwhile, the NFP’s Canaan Mdletshe says South Africa should not tire from conscientizing and encouraging peace within the African continent

Preparations for various activities to mark Africa Day are under way.


