
Battle for the control of Mtubatuba Municipality rages on between ANC and IFP

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The battle between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) for the control of the Mtubatuba Local Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal rages on. This comes after the Pietermaritzburg High Court granted the IFP an order instructing the speaker of the ANC-controlled council to convene a special council meeting.

The IFP wants to remove the speaker, mayor and deputy mayor through a motion of no confidence. An earlier application by the IFP sought to nullify the inaugural council meeting held in November.

The IFP is accusing Mtubatuba speaker Dipuo Ntuli of dragging her feet in convening a special council meeting, as per the court order.

The IFP took the matter to court after their initial court application to nullify the inaugural council meeting was declared as not urgent.

This prompted the party to launch a second application, seeking an order to force the speaker to convene an urgent council meeting, where the party’s motion of no confidence on municipal office bearers would be discussed.

Mtubatuba was one of the hung municipalities where there was no outright winner. The IFP working with the EFF has a majority of 23 seats.

The ANC in response has opposed the court order. The party argues the IFP ought to have waited for the outcome of their initial court application where they wanted the inaugural council meeting nullified.

