
24 Bakubung Platinum mine workers resurface as sit-in continues

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) says 24 of the more than 250 mineworkers staging a sit-in underground at the Bakubung Platinum Mine in the North West have resurfaced.

Yesterday, workers did not surface after their shift on Wednesday.

Workers are disgruntled over unresolved complaints which they say they have been voicing for months.

Among them is the mine’s alleged intention to retrench more than 500 workers, allegations of terminated contracts of pregnant female mine workers, as well as the mine’s refusal to adhere to the CCMA’s recommendations on the July unprotected strike.

NUM Regional Secretary, Jeffrey Moatshe says the mine is Chinese owned and its management does not respect workers’ rights.

“Of the over 250 workers who are underground yesterday, we managed to bring to surface almost 24 of those who are on chronic medication and Bakubung is Chinese-owned, and the Chinese are not respecting labour laws of this country. There is a scheduled meeting with management at 08:00 now to show how disrespectful they are they don’t even come to the operation; we’re going to have a meeting via virtual platform.”

Meanwhile, Congress of South African Trade Unions Spokesperson, Solly Phetoe says mine management does not care about the safety of workers.

Phetoe elaborates in the video below:
