
ANC to reflect on voter registration weekend

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The African National Congress (ANC) will later on Tuesday give a reflection of the voter registration weekend at media briefing in Johannesburg. The governing party is also expected to unveil its plans for provincial manifesto launches following its national manifesto launch in Durban earlier this month.

At the end of the final day of voter registration weekend, the ANC released a statement saying its encouraged by the citizens’ turnout.

For those two days, it deployed its top brass including its deputy president David Mabuza and former president Jacob Zuma, as well as National Executive Council (NEC) and Provincial Executive Council (PEC) members countrywide to encourage first time voters to register and for those who are already on the voters’ roll to check and update their details.

Although a few incidents of violence were recorded at some voter registration centres, the ANC was thrilled by the fact that of the new registrations, 70% were those of voters younger than 30 years of age.

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