
ANC provincial lists finalised, except North West

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) has confirmed that all provincial list conferences have been finalised, except for the North West province.

Last week, there were chaotic scenes outside Luthuli House in Johannesburg when some members from the North West stormed the ANC headquarters, demanding to participate in the process of compiling their provincial list.

Acting ANC National spokesperson, Dakota Lekgoete, says the party is confident that the North West provincial issues will be sorted out before the national list conference that is due to take place early next month in Durban.

He says the ANC’s list committee is currently deliberating on the issues and will resolve the matters soon.

“There will be consolidation of the national list. That consolidation cannot be complete unless all the provinces have had their provincial lists conferences . Like I’ve said earlier, we need to consider the list of North West. Based on those logistical challenges we have had from the North West, we had to reschedule our national list conference,” says Lekgoete.

Political analyst, Professor Steven Freidman says challenges experienced with the provincial lists are a result of the continuing divisions and factional battles within the ANC.

“The ANC is still a deeply factionalised organisation. My own belief is that the ANC was only able to elect a leader because the two factions agreed to divide position amongst them. Therefore whenever you get a chance to elect someone in your faction into power, then it becomes a source of conflict and this conflict has become increased in some way because we have a general election in May,” says Freidman.

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