
ANC KZN admits underestimating impact of MK Party

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The African National Congress (ANC) in KwaZulu-Natal has admitted that it underestimated the impact of its former President Jacob Zuma and the MK Party. With over 99% of the voting districts declared in KwaZulu-Natal, the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party looks set to secure 45% support in the province ahead of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) on 18% and the ANC on 17%.

The ANC’s provincial secretary, Bheki Mtolo cited service delivery challenges as another reason for the party’s decline in support.

Mtolo says they accept the will of the people.

“What has affected us is some service delivery issues. But another thing which I think we must accept is that during our analysis we never got time to analyse the impact the former president will have on the ANC, because that’s where the impact has happened. But I think that fault has made us not to let our voters know that he is not new, that fault has made us to lose a lot of votes to the MK Party.”

2024 Elections | ‘If Zuma’s MK impact is in KZN, it reflects Zulu tribalism’: Gwede Mantashe
