
ANC Integrity Commission to explain Dlamini’s disqualification from contesting for NEC positions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) Integrity Commission will seek to explain why the party’s former Women’s League president Bathabile Dlamini has been disqualified from contesting for any National Executive Committee positions.

The Electoral Committee has confirmed that it has written to Dlamini to notify her of the disqualification.

In 2018, a court found her guilty of perjury related to the South Africa Social Security Agency grants crisis.

She received over 800 nominations. The vetting process revealed that she has a historical record of being found guilty of serious crimes.

This emanates from a judgment earlier on when she was found guilty of perjury for lying under oath about her role in a 2018 SASSA debacle.


Meanwhile, some ANC members are disputing the list of 200 names up for election as National Executive Committee members.

The list was announced by the party’s Electoral Committee chairperson Kgalema Motlanthe last week. This is as the ANC is heading to its conference next week.

Political analyst Oscar van Heerden says the objections raised by some disgruntled members of the ANC ahead of its National Conference are unlikely to affect it adversely.

Van Heerden says that what the ANC is doing now is ensuring that those elected are in good standing.

“The Committee is busy with vetting, looking at, do you have a criminal record, is there anything untoward in terms of party discipline. There are a number of people on the list that have had some transgressions on social media, that have clapped with a female, and many others. So, these are matters that they are taking into consideration. Once they announce the final list, we are waiting with bated breath to see whether some of those names have actually been removed.”

VIDEO: ANC Member, Buda Tsotetsi speaks about issues some ANC members have with the NEC: 
