
ANC in NW expected to recall some of its deployees in municipalities

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The ANC in North West is expected to recall some of its deployees in municipalities soon. This is as the party is assessing the performance of its deployees in all municipalities across the province.

The party has met with its deployees in all regions over the past two weeks. It is understood that some Mayors and Speakers might be removed from their positions.

The governing party in the province is concerned about the state of municipalities and poor service delivery. Now it is assessing the performance of its deployees.

According to the party, anyone who is not performing will get the chop.

“We want to make sure that by the time we get to 2026, we get to 2026 with people who are ready to serve the people. Those who seem not to be performing we are going to remove them. We are going to make changes where necessary. Once the assessments are done today, in two weeks we will have an extended PEC meeting where a consolidate report will be presented to the PEC and then together with interventions and then post that will then outline what is going to happen in all these municipalities. I can assure you that no municipality will be left untouched,” says Tumelo Maruping, ANC NW Spokesperson.

The party has sent a stern warning to those who might resist being removed from their positions.

“When you enter into any positions deployed by the ANC, you occupy that position on behalf of the ANC. It is not your position. When we remove you, when we want that sit back, we should not negotiate with you because we don’t negotiate with you when we deploy you. So, we don’t anticipate that. But should anybody be tempted to do that we will come very strong to that person,” Maruping added.

Meanwhile, Political Analyst Prof Andre Duvenhage says this intervention is needed.

“We need strong decision-making. We need strong provincial intervention, and we may need people to change positions, and this is a very positive tendency. I am reading this as part of the changes. We have seen since Nono Maloyi took over as ANC leader in North West and systematically, the influence is spreading and my take on it is that they can make the right decisions. We can change the provinces around and we can improve local government and local governance,” says Duvenhage.

The ANC is expected to announce some changes in municipalities in the next two weeks.
