
ANC in Limpopo releases damning report about councilor candidates list

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) list committee in Limpopo has released a damning report about the selection of councilor candidates before the previous local government elections.

The list was submitted to the ANC NEC and the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

The list committee says putting some councillor candidates on the final list was in contravention of the guidelines and recommended that they should be removed.

The alleged manipulation of the PR list has resulted in the party recommending Alpheus Thulare as mayor of Lephalale municipality, awaiting a final decision.

The video below, looks at Limpopo ANC’s performance during the local government elections:

ANC spokesperson Donald Selamolela says the national list committee, will make a determination to enable the province to take decision.

“The chair of the provincial list committee has written to the chair of the national list committee which is former president, comrade Kgalema Montlanthe. That particular committee it is the one which will then advise on what will be the way forward,” Selamolela explains.

“When the national list committee has expressed itself on the matter and written to the province … as a province will then [be] able to know what course [of] action will be able to take.”

Meanwhile, political analyst Levy Ndou says he expects the ANC to implement the recommendations made by provincial list committee.

“I would expect the ANC to address this matter fairly and openly. Those that have got into the list through the back door, should actually be exposed and indeed be removed. I expect the ANC to take the recommendation coming from the provincial list committee because that it is what the ANC has promised to those councillors and to the ordinary citizens.”
