
ANC disappointed with Reverend Vukile Mehana

Reverend Vukile Mehana
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The ANC says it has noted with disappointment the utterances attributed to its Chaplain-General, the Reverend Vukile Mehana.

The utterances apparently relate to derogatory remarks Mehana made on female ministers. He has since apologised for the remarks.

ANC spokesperson in  the Presidency Zizi Kodwa says Mehana who is also the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church will no longer officiate at the ANC’s January 8th Statement in Durban next week.

“The ANC has informed the church through the Bishop, that the Reverend Mehana will not be officiating the ANC January 8 celebration which are planned for next week in Durban. The ANC NEC will have to discuss the issues about the chaplaincy of the ANC in light of the statements attributed to its Chaplain-General.”


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Church notes Mehana’s apology on twitter

Meanwhile the Methodist Church of Southern Africa says it notes the twitter apology of the Reverend Vukile Mehana regarding what the church says are offensive and shocking utterances.

The Office of the Presiding Bishop says it has become aware of a recording of a private conversation between Mehana and another person which has surfaced on social media.

In the recording he allegedly makes demeaning remarks against women in the ministry.

The church says it notes with dismay the blatant disrespect and portrayal of women who are characterised in a dismissive, humiliating and degrading manner.

The church says it has noted Mehana’s apology on twitter but will not comment any further at this stage – as an investigation is underway.

SACC Disgusted by Shocking Utterances Made by Methodist Minister Rev. Mehana

January 2, 2019

Media Release
Issued by Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has reacted with disgust and revulsion at the shocking and unbelievable utterances made by Reverend Vukile Mehana, as heard in the recording attributed to Mr Raymond Sibanga. Rev. Mehana is a minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, a member church of the SACC, which is responsible for the discipline and doctrinal positions assumed by its ministers. We are pleased that the Methodist Church has officially distanced the Church from Rev. Mehana’s views.

Nevertheless the SACC takes the unusual position of condemning the deplorable utterances by Rev. Mehana. His views on women in the church, claiming to express them in the name of African Theology are misplaced and have no bearing on the fact that the very foundation of the Christian Faith in the incarnation of God as Baby Jesus, recently celebrated at Christmas; and the announcement of the glorious resurrection of Christ, would not have been without the two honoured women – Mary the Mother of Jesus whose breasts fed the holy baby, and Mary Magdalene the Apostle to the Apostles who brought the news of the Resurrection. For him to disparage women ministers to the extent of referencing women’s breasts, is absolutely disgusting and must be condemned unequivocally!

In addition, Rev. Mehana’s views are in contrast to the human rights prescripts of the South African Constitution that should be binding on all citizens. His views on women deserve the urgent attention of the Commission for Gender Equality.

— End —

Bishop Mpumlwana is General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches (SACC).

