
Former ANC Tshwane leader demands DA’s cadre deployment records

The DA has gained access to the ANC cadre deployment records.
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Former African National Congress (ANC) City of Tshwane chairperson Kgosi Maepa is taking legal action against the Democratic Alliance (DA) demanding the party’s cadre deployment records – the “FedEx” minutes – from 30 September 2016 till January this year.

This after the opposition party was granted a court order to access the governing party’s cadre deployment documents.

He has given the DA until 6 March to respond.

“I took it upon myself to, as a citizen of the Republic of South Africa, but also as a person who has interest previously in this kind of method, that I should request those documents from the DA. To understand, for instance, how did they appoint various people?”

“You would know historically that we had various kinds of people in Tshwane who [were] appointed without qualification and many other stories you would remember that in the past few years.”

“So, it was interesting for me to then get those documents and find out exactly how the DA went about the [appointing] those kinds of people who are not fit and proper,” adds Maepa.

DA unveils fresh steps to battle ANC cadre deployment throughout the country:

Last week, the DA confirmed that the ANC handed over its cadre deployment records.

On Sunday, ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa emphasised competency and merit in the implementation of his party’s cadre deployment policy.

He said they would not abandon it.

“As we move forward, we are going to make sure that we deploy comrades who are capable. Our cadre deployment policy is about appointing suitable and qualified people who share our transformation vision.”

Ramaphosa says the DA must release its own cadre deployment records:
