
ANC certain to lose its majority in the National Assembly: CSIR

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The African National Congress (ANC) is certain to lose its majority in the National Assembly, creating the prospect of many discussions and deals taking place over the next few days.

With just over 48% of votes counted, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is predicting the ANC will have 161 seats in the National Assembly, down from 230 in 2019.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is predicted to remain steady, with 87 as opposed to 84 five years ago.

The CSIR algorithm suggests that MK will have 57 seats, with the EFF on 38, 6 down from the last election.

A number of new parties could also feature with one or two seats each, including the Patriotic Alliance, ActionSA, BOSA, Rise Mzansi as well as the National Coloured Convention and the United Africans Transformation.

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