
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation supports ANC’s GNU proposal

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The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation has expressed optimism that the African National Congress (ANC) proposed government of national unity (GNU) will lead to political certainty in the country.

Consultative talks to set up the seventh administration under the proposal have continued this weekend. Some parties have expressed support for the proposal while others have rejected it.

The foundation’s Executive Director, Neeshan Balton, says the results of last week’s elections indicate that South African voters want their desired political parties to work together to govern the country.

Balton says, “Some people will have to get together to form a government. I think part of what the pronouncement of the ANC President is also calling for is this motion championed by the former President Thabo Mbeki which is called an inclusive national dialogue of organisations and institutions outside of political parties to be engaged in the process as well not only up until the point of the formation of the government of national unity but thereafter as well. Now that is another concept that has to be spelt out and the details understood. What my sense is that the problems are so deep, the answers are not only going to come from political parties.”

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Meanwhile, independent candidate Anele Mda has called on the ANC to consult South Africans on its proposal.

Mda addressed the media in Johannesburg.

Mda says, “If this is honest and is genuinely about South Africans, the President of the country right now, President Ramaphosa must invite the people of South Africa to make contributions to the principles that must define what are the pillars that this government of national unity must be built on. If he does so, we will know that this is not another political gimmick for political parties to position itself. There are political parties that have pronounced themselves what ministry they see themselves leading, how selfish can you be?”

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