
Agang SA campaigns in Bronkhorstspruit

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Agang SA leader, Dr Mamphela Ramphele, took her election campaign to the border town of Ekangala outside Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng.

During the visit, Ramphele met with the local Chief Sipho Matthews Mahlangu who briefed her about the recent violent services delivery protest in the area. Ramphele says their problems are common to many residents country-wide.

She says government’s obsession with the creation of big metros is the cause of all the troubles. Ramphele says the merger of small municipalities with big towns, resulting in the centralisation of power like in Tshwane Metro Council, has the potential of taking residents away from what is supposed to be their municipality.

“Local authority is supposed to connect citizens with government at the level of basic services. If you’re creating these big metros which no one can effectively manage, it is impossible for the Mayor of Tshwane to be able to manage what goes on here in Bronkhorstspruit. Centralisation of power is one of the big mistakes we have made in the past 20 years.”

Ramphele says that the country has democratic means to deal with problems rather than the use of violence

Ramphele also urged communities that are not happy with government’s service delivery not to vent their anger on their own property or revert to violence. She says historically violent action by dissatisfied residents was condoned and accepted.

However, Ramphele says the country has democratic means to deal with problems rather than the use of violence.

Ramphele added that South Africa belongs to all and has moved from the premises that public assets are the property of the minority white government.

“People in this country are involved in violent protest because they feel disrespected – they feel powerless and the only language
they can use is the language of violence. We are saying to South Africans don’t destroy what belongs to you. You as citizens are the owners of this country. Come let us build together a winning South Africa. It is possible to make this country a proud place again, a place, a home for all who live in South Africa.”

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