
AG identifies irregularities worth R14.3 bln from government entities

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Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke says her office has identified more than 260 notices of material irregularities, amounting to R14.3 billion, attributed to national and provincial government entities.

She briefed Parliament’s Standing Committee on the Auditor-General.

Material irregularities are non-compliance, fraud, theft or breach of fiduciary duties and an impact which is the loss, misuse or harm to the public purse. 

Maluleka says for the 2022/23 financial year, 266 material irregularities were flagged.

“We have identified 266 MIs, out of those 240 relayed to instances where we could estimate a financial loss, a material financial loss. The total estimation of those losses is at R14.3 billion, an accumulation over the period.”

Maluleke says some cases have been referred to law enforcement agencies.

“We have referred matters to investigations bodies, in eight instances and we have also had a combination of referrals and recommendations in some of the instances as well.”
