
Action must be taken against ANC deployees involved in corruption: Mathabatha

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Limpopo African National Congress (ANC) chairperson Stan Mathabatha says action must be taken against deployees of the party involved in corruption in government and municipalities.

Mathabatha was addressing more than 300 delegates attending the eighth regional elective conference in the ANC Vhembe region.

Mathabatha says the conduct of ANC deployees in government and municipalities is a challenge.

“The other challenge is the conduct and behaviour of deployees of the African National Congress in government and this includes those who have been deployed in municipalities. In most cases, society judges us through our behaviour. We need to be seen taking action against deployees who rubbish the name of the African National Congress through corruption and maladministration. We should not be seen as a haven for people who are corrupt,” says Mathabatha.

Mathabatha has urged the party’s delegates not to use the conference as a platform to only elect leadership, but also to come up with solutions to resolve problems in society.

“This conference, you must turn it into a festival of ideas not only a platform of electing leadership, please don’t disappoint. I’m convinced that therefore comrades this regional conference will prepare us for the battle ahead,” says Mathabatha.

