
Magashule takes election campaign to his birthplace in Tumahole

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The African Congress for Transformation (ACT) leader Ace Magashule has taken his election campaign to his birthplace in Tumahole, Parys in the Free State.

Party members spent the day conducting a door-to-door campaign and mobilising people for an upcoming Tumahole -Parys rally.

Magashule says the people in the area are positive and pinning their hopes on ACT to change their situation as there is no service delivery in the area.

“Because sewage is all over, there’s no water here. I hear the mayor saying there’s water. There’s no water here you can see. You can go to the taps there’s no water. For almost 18 to 19 months, even when the Vaal River is here. That is why people are hopeless and they will definitely vote ACT on the 29 May,” adds Magashule.

Elections 2024 | Magashule on the campaign trail
