
ACDP leader rejects COVID-19 tests from China being used on him

Reading Time: 2 minutes

African Christian Democratic Party Leader Kenneth Meshoe says he will undergo a second test for COVID-19 at a private laboratory but will not allow test kits from China be used on him.

Meshoe and his wife are still in isolation after they both tested positive for COVID 19.

He says it’s still a mystery that he has been in isolation for more than 21 days, without feeling sick or experiencing any symptoms.

Speaking in an interview with SABC News, Meshoe elaborates on why he will not be tested at a state laboratory.

“When I go for the second test, I will go to a private lab and one of the reasons I chose to do that is because there is a lot of test kits from China in the country that is used by government. And I prefer to use test kits that are either manufactured in South Africa or another country because I have read many complaints from a number of nations, including Spain and the UK saying  test kits from China are contaminated.”

In this video below, SABC News reports Reverend Kenneth Meshoe and his deputy Steve Swart have tested positive for COVID-19:

ACDP leadsers, Meshoe and Steve Swart have both tested positive for the coronavirus after coming into contact with five international guests who had tested positive for the virus after a religious gathering in Bloemfontein.

