
Contractors join EURBCO to address city’s infrastructure issues

Tap with running water
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The recently established eThekwini United Ratepayers, Business and Civic Organisation (EURBCO) has announced that over a dozen contractors based in Durban have joined their initiative to tackle the city’s deteriorating water and sewerage infrastructure.

EURBCO was established in response to ongoing service delivery challenges, particularly concerning water, electricity, and sewerage in Durban.

The founding member of EURBCO Allison Schoeman, expressed their objective to identify damaged infrastructure and collaborate on developing a comprehensive repair plan.

Schoeman stated, “Infrastructure failure was being highlighted. From what we can see, the municipality has failed to do conditional assessments or regular assessments of the infrastructure. It was the case of sort of just hoping everything would just continue working indefinitely. So, every year, the budget is being spent on projects and whilst that is great, you can allow the current infrastructure to collapse. There is no plan to maintain the current infrastructure.”
