
George collapsed building claims 17 lives as death toll rises

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Rescue workers have just recovered the body of another missing worker at the site of the building that collapsed in George, in the Western Cape.

This takes the death toll to 17. Thirty-five people are unaccounted for.

Eighty-one people were on site when the building collapsed on Monday.

The national police minister, Bheki Cele, is expected to visit the site this afternoon, after which he will brief the media.

The George Municipal Fire Chief, Neels Barnard, says work has slowed down.

“The project is going slow because we must actually be sure that we can damage the bodies any further. That’s why we are very cautious in what we do, and we are doing our utmost to get to the point where we get more bodies and we can get them out to their families.”

George Building Collapse | Death toll rises to 15
