
Al Jama-ah unhappy with Electoral Reform Consultation panel nominees

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Al Jama-ah has sharply criticised the list of names submitted to Parliament for appointment to the proposed Electoral Reform Consultation Panel. Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi on Wednesday submitted the names of nine new nominees to Parliament who will serve on the electoral reform consultation panel after the May 29 elections.

The new Electoral Amendment Act provides for the minister to establish the panel within four months after the Act has come into effect.

Former IEC Chairperson Pansy Tlakula is one of the proposed candidates recommended to sit on the panel.

But Al Jama-ah leader Ganief Hendricks says the list of names reflects a repetition of the individuals who are either serving in the IEC or who were IEC officials.

“For Al Jama-ah, the electoral reform consultation panel is old wine in new bottles. We cannot have on the shortlist people who have not responded positively to electoral reform over the past 20 years,” he said.

He further adds, “What we need on the panel are experts to advise, number one. How can we avoid the electoral fraud which has been significant for the past few elections? It’s quite one of the best endeavours of the IEC who has been outsmarted by political parties.”
