
Joburg makes big step to combat load shedding: City Power

load shedding
Reading Time: 2 minutes

City Power Group Executive Thami Mathiso has described the recommissioning of the first open gas turbine in Gauteng by Johannesburg’s power utility as a big step to get away from load shedding in the city.

On Wednesday, the City of Johannesburg’s power utility, City Power, recommissioned the John Ware Substation open gas turbine, which it said will add 50 megawatts of power to the grid.

The launch is part of the City’s wider energy plan to add new sources of electricity to the grid.

Mathiso says the gas turbine can run for about eight hours a day.

“Joburg peak demands about two point two thousand four hundred and our stage is about five percent of that. So, what is actually happening is that this is the first among the other initiatives that you’re gonna have to make sure that we add a push back and power back into the grid for us to be able to mitigate load shedding in the City. We have according to our feasibility studies, we can run them for about eight hours in a day or so, we will be able to mitigate most of the period during the day and business hours.”

Gauteng’s plan to mitigate power cuts: Thami Mathiso
