
Health Minister to address issue of shortage of doctors

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla will be announcing his department’s plans to address the current state on the shortage of doctors and other professionals in the country.

This follows an ongoing public outcry over doctors who completed statutory community service programme but remain unemployed.

The department’s spokesperson Foster Mohale explains.

“Minister Phaahla will use this opportunity to outline efforts by the department working with the Provincial Health Departments to address the current challenges facing human resource for health and the related issues.”

However, Phaahla says since October 2023 to date, 564 medical officer posts have been filled, 239 posts are currently advertised in public media outlets and 375 will be advertised in the next six months.

“I must emphasise that doctors would need to apply like any other person wishing to join the public service. In addition, we are looking at a review of the current dispensation for the employment of doctors, especially medical officers and specialists.”

Unfiltered | Unemployment crisis among doctors in SA:
