
IEC in KZN beefing up security ahead of voter registration weekend

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in KwaZulu-Natal is beefing up security in high risk areas for the final voter registration period this weekend. These include areas like the Inkosi Langelibalele Municipality in the province’s Midlands and areas in and around the eThekwini Municipality.

The IEC’s Provincial Electoral Officer Ntombifuthi Masinga says high risk areas have been identified and the list will be updated when needs be.

“We will always be concerned about any activities that will impact negatively on our processes. We are in constant communication with the security fraternity especially the SAPS in this province,” says Masinga.

Masinga says for eligible voters who cannot register to vote this weekend, registration will remain open online until the day the President proclaims the election day.

“He may announce the date for example during the State of the Nation Address but the moment that date is gazetted that is proclamation and on midnight that day the voters roll then closes. Our planning date as the IEC is that the elections will happen anytime between mid-May or mid-August this year. But now we are assuming that we will have an election date which is how we are supposed to plan as the commission, that is why we are insisting that people utilise the month of February to make sure that they are registered correctly in terms of new whether they are voting.”

More than 187 000 people visited KZN voting stations during the last registration weekend: 
