
The ‘Goliath’ of poverty, unemployment must be confronted: Maimane

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Build One South Africa (BOSA) leader Mmusi Maimane has told his supporters that the Goliath of poverty and unemployment in the country must be confronted.

The former DA leader was speaking at BOSA’s manifesto launch in Victoria Yards, Johannesburg, on Sunday.

Maimane has promised voters that when BOSA takes over, the party will fight hard to end poverty and ensure that South Africans do not go to bed hungry.

“It’s a moment in our country where you feel like you need David to take down Goliath. We need to be able to look at the giants in our land, whether those are giants of poverty and unemployment, and we need to say that we need more and more Davids in all our communities to fight to bring about change. One of the giants that we face is that we live in different South Africas (sic). We live in South Africa, where others wake up in the morning to throw away food while others don’t have food.”


BOSA’s election manifesto launch | We leave in different South Africas: Mmusi Maimane:

By Sibahle Motha
