
ICJ missed opportunity to order a ceasefire in Gaza: Namibia

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Namibian government says the International Court of Justice has missed an opportunity to issue an order that would bind Israel to immediately implement a ceasefire in Gaza.  It says the killing of innocent civilians in Palestine must be stopped.

The court in The Hague in the Netherlands yesterday ordered six provisional measures, including that Israel should take measures to prevent genocidal acts and take immediate and effective steps to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. The court delivered judgment in the case which South Africa had brought against Israel.

“In a statement, the government of Namibia says it welcomes the ruling by ICJ on the matter between South Africa and Israel. However, it has raised concerns that the World Court did not issue an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The court in The Hague in the Netherlands ordered six provisional measures, including Israel taking measures to prevent genocidal acts and taking immediate and effective steps to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.”

Countries such as Qatar and Egypt have also welcomed the World Court ruling.

South Africa’s International Relations Department has called on Israel to fully comply with the ruling of the International Court of Justice.

The department’s head of diplomacy, Clayson Monyela, says the ruling is a milestone in the search for justice for the Palestinian people.

“South Africa will continue to act within the institutions of global governance to protect the rights, including the fundamental right to life, of Palestinians in Gaza – which continue to remain at urgent risk including from Israeli military assault, starvation and disease – and to obtain the fair and equal application of international law to all, in the interest of our collective humanity.”

VIDEO| SA Gov welcomes ICJ ruling: 

Israel outraged

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the charge of genocide levelled against Israel was “outrageous” and said his country would do whatever is necessary to defend itself.

Netanyahu says, Israel had an”unwavering commitment” to international law.

Its Defence Minister Yoav Gallant expressed dismay that the ICJ did not reject South Africa’s petition outright, while National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir appeared to mock the ruling with a Yiddish-style put down on social media platform X: “HagueShmague”.

VIDEO| Israel reacts to ICJ ruling: 

The United States on Friday said the ruling was consistent with Washington’s view that Israel has the right to take action, in accordance with international law, to ensure the October 7 attack cannot be repeated.

“We continue to believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded and note the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a ceasefire in its ruling and that it called for the unconditional, immediate release of all hostages being held by Hamas,” a State Department spokesperson said.

The World Court ordered Israel on Friday to prevent acts of genocide against the Palestinians and do more to help civilians, although it stopped short of ordering a ceasefire as requested by the plaintiff South Africa.

Palestinians welcome Friday’s ruling

“The ICJ judges assessed the facts and the law, they ruled in favour of humanity and international law,” Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said.

Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said the ruling helped to isolate Israel on the world stage.

VIDEO: Palestine reacts to ruling: 
