
KZN DCoG looks at long-term solution to flooding issue

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The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (DCoG) says there are a number of projects underway to expand drainage systems in the province. This in a bid to address the long-term solution to flooding.

The province has been hit by floods since last month, and at least 50 people have died.

The National Disaster Management Centre classified the municipalities that have been hard hit by floods as disaster areas.

The department’s spokesperson Siboniso Mngadi says they are investigating why the town floods every time it rains.

“There were things that were identified, and the budget will look into addressing those issues in terms of redirecting water that is coming from the top of the town, where there is the Qedusizi Bridge, and then flowing down to town.”

Mngadi adds: “We are looking into adding more valves to redirect that water to ensure that we minimize the risk of flooding the town. Also in eThekwini, there are issues of aging infrastructure that the municipality is currently addressing.”
