
Visa delays not helping SA’s economy: BUSA

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Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) says delays in issuing visas to foreigners with critical skills undermines government’s efforts to grow the economy.

The organisation says it is still receiving complaints from members about the delays. That is contrary to the repeated statements by Home Affairs (DHA) Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi that there are no backlogs related to the issuing of visas that impact directly on the economy and employment.

BUSA CEO Cas Coovadia says while they have had some assistance from the Presidency in fast-tracking some of the urgent applications, the situation is not ideal.

“We need to ensure that the DHA does whatever is necessary to ensure that visa applications are processed quickly to ensure that visas are issued timeously and the impact if that skills and business leadership wanting to come to SA are not allowed to do so. As a result of the delay, this further erodes confidence in our country and erodes confidence in what business in partnership with government is trying to do to send out a message that we are dealing with the issues and we are welcoming investment.”
