
Zuma urges South Africans to vote for newly-formed uMkhonto weSizwe

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Former President Jacob Zuma has urged South Africans to vote for the newly-formed party uMkhonto weSizwe. Speaking in Orlando East in Soweto on Saturday, Zuma says that this will enable the rescue of the African National Congress (ANC), whose current leadership, he says, is a proxy of White Monopoly capital.

The UMkhonto weSizwe party takes the name of the ANC’s former armed wing that was disbanded in 1994.

Zuma says he will never leave the ANC, of which he has been a member for 64 years, but will not campaign or vote for the party next year.

“I will be a member of the ANC until I die,” says Zuma.

Ending days of speculation on the next move for the former head of state. The blood of former President Zuma remains black, green and gold, but is it in relation to the ANC?

In a press conference, the former President has unveiled his plans to spearhead a fresh political movement ahead of the 2024 elections.

Flanked by supporters, Zuma outlines his vision for the uMkhonto Wesizwe political party. He has sought to rally ANC and uMkhonto Wesizwe Military Veterans Association members behind the newly formed organisation.

“I’m calling on members of the ANC, MK to vote for MK. That’s what I’m calling for. I’m not going to vote for the ANC. I’m going to vote MK and I am calling, I’m calling MK members, ANC members to vote for me, MK so that we have a majority to change this country and rescue the ANC from the mess in which it has been put,” he says.

Zuma supports MK party, will not vote for ANC in upcoming elections: Mzwandile Mbeje 

‘Plethora of reasons’

Zuma’s announcement comes after ANC leaders lobbied him to campaign for the party ahead of the elections, but the former ANC leader cited a plethora of reasons for his decision to withdraw his ANC vote. Chief among them is the current ANC leadership.

Zuma’s daughter, Duduzile Zuma says, “Firstly, the ANC kept quiet when the powers of the president were taken away with the appointment of the chairperson of the commission on the so-called state capture. This symbolized the opportunistic amendment of the constitution of South Africa. Secondly, the ANC kept quiet when it became clear that the 2017 national conference and the position of president had been stolen or bought by forces outside the organization for an amount of R300 million which the president admitted under oath…thirdly, the turning point for me was the misguided statement made by the ANC president that the ANC is accused number one in corruption in South Africa. Neither the leadership of the ANC and the NEC nor the membership at the most recent national conference saw the need to challenge or change that incorrect statement.”

However, the ANC has previously taken action against members who have acted outside the party’s instructions, stressing the need for members to toe the party line. But Zuma remains unfazed by the allegations of ill-discipline.

This is despite ANC Secretary-General, Fikile Mbalula’s indication that the party intends to take legal action against the new party.

“I was a member of the ANC, at the same time, a member of MK. I’ve been a member of these two. It’s no contradiction. If one wants to do anything they want, that’s their own business. I joined MK as a soldier and I took an oath, when I joined the ANC, I signed my signature. I did not take an oath,” says Zuma.

Zuma says the new party will unveil its interim leadership early next year.

Video: Discussion – ‘I will not campaign for the ANC’: Jacob Zuma
