
Questions around SA’s Just Energy Transition plan

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The Climate Justice Coalition says questions need to be asked about the implementation of South Africa’s Just Energy Transition.

This follows a call by President Cyril Ramaphosa at COP 28 climate talks under way in Dubai for adequate financial support to ensure effective implementation.

Ramaphosa has been calling for developed economies to live up to their promises during the previous climate change talks in Paris.

Alex Lenferna is the Climate Justice Coalition General Secretary, “I think it’s a very interesting proposal that has been put forward, and you know it’s a massive 300-page document. So, there’s lots of different details that we can get into. But I think there’s some big questions that we should be asking about this implementation plan and one is how fast it is going to go, because there’s been a lot of noise from the ANC about slowing down the decommissioning of coal plants. There’s a big question about whether that will be in line with South Africa’s fair share of climate action and there’s also questions about how the finance will flow.”

More in discussion below:

