
Nominations for Electoral Reform Consultation Panel to be reopened

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Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has been ordered to reopen the nomination process for nominees for the Electoral Reform Consultation Panel. The Home Affairs Portfolio Committee asked Motsoaledi to ensure the panel is gender representative and also considers the demographics of the country.

The nine member panel is meant to advise government on any electoral reforms to strengthen democracy and accountability. Motsoaledi had recommended that the committee select nine members from a shortlist of eleven experts.

“The panel must prior to 2024 elections engage in research and consider the issues falling within its functions and Sub Section B after 2024 elections undertake a public participation process regarding the issues falling within its functions and sub–Section D from the date of its establishment meet or report to the minister every three months on its progress,” says Motsoaledi.

The panel will also advise on the post-2024 elections reforms.

“The panel must within 12 months of the date of the 2024 elections submit a report to the minister on the possible option for electoral reforms on the elections of the national assembly and the election of the provincial legislatures. It must include reasons potential advantages and disadvantages. This means the reasons that they are advising parliament on a particular system then also give advantages of the systems they are recommending and also give disadvantages,” Motsoaledi added.

However, the committee was not happy that there were few women on the shortlist and ordered Motsoaledi to reopen the nomination process.

“The committee resolves minister that the process must be reopened immediately with a timeframe to look at January. I think the advert should go out soon so that by January you are able to process consultation with the IEC,” says Mosa Chabane, Chairperson: Home Affairs Committee.

Some of the notable names on the list include Ebrahim Fakir, Lawson Naidoo, retired Judge Johann Kriegler and Professor Steven Friedman.

Those who are shortlisted need not reapply.
