
11 suspected ADF rebels killed in Uganda

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The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) have killed eleven suspected Allied Democratic Force (ADF) rebels blamed for murdering a tourist couple and their guide at a wildlife park in western Uganda.

The rebels were intercepted as they sailed on Lake Edward which lies along the shared border with Uganda and DR Congo.

Last September, David Barlow, a British national, and his South African partner Celia Geyer were traveling in areas around the Queen Elizabeth National Park when they were attacked and killed along with their driver.

The Ugandan Army says a commander of the rebel group was captured during the overnight operation that left a significant number of the ADF fighters dead.

This follows intensified attacks on ADF bases by a joint operation of the DRC and the Uganda Army.

The Uganda Military says the constant attacks have left the rebels neutralized and operating in small armed groups that carry out targeted attacks on communities.

In June this year, suspected ADF rebels attacked a school – also in western Uganda killing dozens including students.

ADF rebels have been operating from inside DR Congo for the past two decades and are blamed for thousands of deaths and many more displacements.
