
No advice from Mkwebane for Gcaleka

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Former axed Public Protector Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane has wished South Africans and Parliament luck following the National Assembly’s vote to recommend Acting Public Protector Advocate Kholeka Gcaleka as her successor.

Two hundred and forty-four votes gave Gcaleka majority vote she needed to become the new head of the Chapter 9 institution.

The ANC, IFP, and the GOOD Party supported Gcaleka’s appointment, while the Freedom Front Plus, DA, and EFF were opposed.

Gcaleka, who previously served as Deputy Public Protector was recommended by Parliament’s ad hoc committee from a list of eight candidates.

Speaking to SABC News, Mkhwebane refused to share any advice for her successor.

“I wouldn’t comment on that, I think she was working in the institution, she’s seen, let her continue to get clean audits, let her continue to protect South Africans and that’s all I would say. Thank you.”

