
Election results not reflecting will of Zimbabweans: Kasukuwere

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Former Zimbabwe Minister, during the late and former President Robert Mugabe cabinet, Saviour Kasukuwere says the election results do not reflect the will of the people of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on Saturday night, declared Emmerson Mnangagwa the winner of Wednesday’s national elections.

Kasukuwere was disqualified from contesting the presidential position by the high court, and the Constitutional Court upheld the judgement by the high court.

He says the regional body, Southern African Development Community (SADC) declared the elections null and void.

“The results are pre-determined outcome especially how we have seen arrangements done in the beginning, were opponents were chosen and others disqualified in various strategies. We are not surprised because the region was saying that Mnangagwa must have a second term.”

Zimbabwe Elections | Saviour Kasukuwere reacts to poll results
