
Some Northern Cape coastal communities oppose multi-billion rand development projects

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two multi-billion-rand projects are under way in Hondeklip Bay- to build a harbour at Boegoebaai and to extract green hydrogen from the deep.

However, some communities on the Coastal line of the Northern Cape are opposed to this. Residents are concerned about the environmental impact and destruction of their livelihoods.

“All that kind of fish under the water is going to be destroyed, because of this development. The people who have been benefiting from will suffer.”

“They come here and they say they will create 6000 jobs but what about the small guy, it’s jobs for skilled people.”


Green energy needs

Meanwhile, Mineral and Energy Minister, Gwede Mantashe, cautioned communities about losing out on the development due to unwarranted and uninformed protests.

He was addressing a community meeting at Hondeklip Bay on the Namaqualand coast on energy projects that are in the pipeline for the area.

Mantashe, says the Northern Cape is a gold mine for traditional and green energy needs and that gas and green hydrogen will likely be mined from the ocean.

“You don’t stop development because you are saying you are saving the environment. You do development responsibly. You protect the environment, but you do development. They must coexist,” adds Mantashe

Video: Energy projects in the pipeline in the Northern Cape:


