
Bhisho Massacre survivors recall memories of that fateful day 30 years ago

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The survivors of the Bhisho Massacre recalled the memories of that fateful day 30 years ago, on the 7th of September. The then Ciskei Defence Force opened fire on an estimated R80 000 crowd, which was marching to the Bhisho stadium in the Eastern Cape, demanding democratic reform in the former homeland.

29 people died, including a soldier of the Ciskei Defence Force, while more than 200 people were injured. The massacre was commemorated on Wednesday with numerous functions.

The survivors want the government to pick up the pace in accommodating their needs such as shelter and medical expenses. President Cyril Ramaphosa was part of the march.

Doris Hlekani was there on the day. She was only 19 years old but her life was irrevocably changed when she was struck in the back by a bullet. Her injury made her permanently dependent on a walking stick to get around. She’s now 51 years old and still doesn’t have a house to live in.

“That alone destroyed my well-being, it is something that keeps on reminding me on that day in this area, a very hot Sunday. However, we were unarmed. We came here with no efforts or thinking of fighting or being shot,” says Bisho massacre survivor, Doris Hlekani.

Bisho Massacre Foundation Secretary Nobuntu Pule says, “This route must be named the liberation route for the fallen heroes so that tourists can be attracted to it. Our children can know what was happening in this precinct it must be an income-generating area.”

The provincial government acknowledges that many who contributed to the liberation struggle are still living in poor and appalling conditions.

Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane says, “We are attending to those issues. We have got a dedicated team working with them that’s got aspects not only these ones  – l mean all people in our province. We have got military veterans that are destitute. As we speak, some spent their youthful years in exile and couldn’t even go to school.”

A process is also underway to have the scene of the massacre declared a heritage site.

VIDEO: 30-year anniversary of the Bhisho Massacre | Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane reflects on the day 
